Wednesday, February 23, 2011

...Build a Hobbit Hole in your own Backyard?

The Question:
What should I build for the kids in the backyard?  Tree house?  Swing set?  Monkey bars?  Sand box? Or…. a  HOBBIT  HOLE?!!!

How can you possibly...
build a hobbit hole in your own back yard?

The Answer:
First of all, let it be known that this has been done, more than once, actually. What follows is the story of two hobbit holes, constructed independant of each other.

The first was completed in 2006. The designer/builder was Joe Andersen of Chandler, Arizona.
The second was built by a man named Joe Everett (yes, the same first name!). Exterior construction of this northern hobbit hole was finished in 2010 in Mapleton, Utah.

See the following clips of our hobbit hole on local and national television.

Our first appearance on the local news, 3TV:

Our appearance on HGTV:

Our second appearance on the local news happened when 3TV ranked each of the unique homes that they had ran stories on in and around the Phoenix metropolitan area in 2006. No one was more surprised than we were to find out that, not only was our hobbit hole among the top five... it was the number one "hands down" favorite of 2006!

So, how exactly did I manage to build a hobbit hole in my backyard?  Can it be done by anyone? How much time, money and materials did it cost? These questions will be answered later, perhaps in the form of a published book.

For now, here’s a slideshow of the various stages of building this hobbit hole, over a four year (or so) period.

As for the Mapleton Hobbit Hole by Joe Everett, there's plenty of information on Joe's blog:

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